2024 SBC Excellence Awards: Winners

Congratulations to the 2024 winners of the SBC Excellence Awards, for their outstanding achievements in their respective categories.

Read the full story here

SBC Excellence Awards 2024 Shortlist

Outstanding Support for Small Business

Cranfield School of Management - Empowering SMEs to Combat Global Climate Change (WINNER)

Dublin City University Business School - Strategy implementation for SME Growth

Manchester Metropolitan University Business School - The Centre for Enterprise: a foundry for innovation, where business meets science (HIGHLY COMMENDED)

Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University - Tempus Novo: Transforming the Lives of Ex-Offenders and Students

Outstanding Stakeholder Engagement

Dublin City University Business School - Implementing research informed practice engagement for the family business spectrum: The National Centre for Family Business Stakeholder Pathways Model 2022-23 (WINNER)

Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University - The Big House Project (HIGHLY COMMENDED)

London South Bank University, School of Business - Pioneering Entrepreneurial Spirit and Community Support Through Student Consultancy Programmes

Outstanding Support for Student Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

Dublin City University Business School - Building an Entrepreneurship Ecosystem through New Enterprise Development (HIGHLY COMMENDED)

Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University - The Business Clinic’s Approach to Developing Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Through its Student Consultancy Experience (WINNER)

Nottingham University Business School - Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (HGI)

Cranfield School of Management - Showcasing Entrepreneurship at Cranfield University through Digital Badges

University of Strathclyde Business School - Entrepreneurship for All: The University of Strathclyde sector leading approach to providing outstanding support for student enterprise & entrepreneurship

Lancaster University Management School - LUMS Entrepreneurs in Residence Programme

Meet the judges

Jonathan Moules

Chair of judges
Journalist, Financial Times

Professor Catherine Cassell

Academic judge
Executive Dean, Faculty of Business, Durham University Business School

Tom Adeyoola

SME judge
Chair, SPOKE

Martin McTague

Stakeholder judge
Federation of Small Businesses, National Chair

Sarah Williams

Academic judge
Head of School, Business and Law BNU

Andrew Harrison

Stakeholder judge
Nat West, Managing Director, Customer Propositions & Delivery, Commercial & Institutional

Jo Keeler

SME judge
Managing Director, Belbin Ltd

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