24th July 2023

Salford Business School has retained the Small Business Charter Award following a successful reassessment.

The panel were particularly impressed with the Salford Business School SME Innovation Strategy 2021-2026: a dedicated strategy designed in partnership with the Industrial Advisory Board and Honorary Industry Fellows, to deliver an integrated and holistic approach to innovation. There is little doubt concerning the intensity in which Salford Business School engages and forges relationships with representative bodies and much of this direction is underpinned by the Innovation Strategy. It was created with the intention of building Salford Business School’s reputation as the ‘go to’ business school for supporting industry growth in the region.

Salford Business School plays an important role in supporting the graduate start-ups and SMEs in the local eco-system. Much of this coordinated activity is undertaken by established and committed academic staff who are keen to work with both undergraduate and postgraduate students and local small businesses. There is an established trend of academic staff and support staff making deliberate efforts to work with ethnic minority groups to increase BAME representation within the school. This includes work with BOBExpo (Black Owned Business Exposition) and Salford’s international agenda to support work-based learning opportunities for overseas students.

Salford University and Salford Business School more specifically, played an important role in supporting small businesses throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Significant evidence of this support is cited throughout the application. This was supported by Professor Karl Dayson (PVC Research and Innovation) who argued that the school’s involvement during the pandemic was invaluable: “Salford just understands the language of businesses and can support them when they need it most”. Professor Dayson went on to describe the support on offer throughout the pandemic as a “crutch” for small businesses, particularly since many of those attending courses and free peer support events had never connected with the school before. It is clear from stakeholders that Salford Business School plays an immensely important role in supporting the regions eco-system.

The Small Business Charter Award is a national accreditation, assessed by small business leaders, to recognise business schools which demonstrate excellence in supporting small businesses, student enterprise, and the local economy. Salford Business School will hold the award for a further 3 years. There are 64 business schools that hold the SBC Award in the UK and Ireland.


Flora Hamilton, Executive Director of the Small Business Charter and Chief Executive of the Chartered Association of Business Schools, said:

“We congratulate Salford Business School for retaining its SBC status. The school plays a vital role in supporting small businesses and its local economy, while its commitment to supporting student entrepreneurship and growth continues to be outstanding. We are delighted to continue working with Salford Business School in the future, especially as delivery partners for the Help to Grow: Management Course.”


Dr Janice Allan, Dean of Salford Business School said:

“Salford Business School is delighted to have been reaccredited by the Small Business Charter. This affirms the commitment of our colleagues who are working so hard to support the SMEs in our regional eco-system. We were especially pleased that the panel highlighted our work with Project 808, our business-in-residence as excellent practice.  This signals that our innovative approach to SMEs, colleagues and students all working in the same physical space is an excellent way of ensuring that our students gain critical employability and entrepreneurship skills and are encouraged to set up their own enterprises in the region.”