17th December 2021

Norwich Business School, at the University of East Anglia (UEA), has been accredited with the Small Business Charter in recognition of its expertise in supporting small businesses, student entrepreneurship, and the local economy.

Norwich Business School (NBS) plays a significant role within East Anglia’s economy. Their relationship and track record supporting SMEs is impressive and, as the only university in Norfolk, they have positioned themselves in the middle of the business community in the County and beyond into East Anglia. Lucy Marks, Managing Director of Norfolk Network – a regional business network - described NBS as “the glue that helps hold the SMEs community together”.

The SBC’s assessors were impressed by NBS’s rich and diverse knowledge-exchange community. The University’s on-campus Enterprise Centre runs monthly masterclasses including the new ‘SoundingBoard’ initiative. Here academics, businesspeople, and entrepreneurs participate in a growing network that currently supports 34 SMEs and provides 72 mentors.

Four different start-up programmes are available for students: ‘Try It’, ‘Do It’, ‘Grow it’, and ‘Scale It’. These offer a combination of mentoring, coaching, small grants, and events to support students on the journey from business idea to growth, and can culminate in an investment of up to £50,000 in the students’ businesses.

UEA works closely with government agencies and local authority partners to support regional business growth and regeneration.  Also noteworthy is the school’s involvement in ‘Norwich 2040 City Vision’ which seeks to help SMEs grow and adapt after the impact of the CV-19 pandemic.

The Small Business Charter Award is a national accreditation, assessed by small business leaders, to recognise business schools which demonstrate excellence in supporting small businesses, student enterprise, and the local economy. There are now 42 business schools that hold the SBC Award in the UK and Ireland.

Professor Olga Tregaskis, Head of Norwich Business School, said:

“We are delighted to be awarded the Small Business Charter which acknowledges the dedication and strength of commitment Norwich Business School and the University of East Anglia have in serving the regional business community.  This accreditation showcases the excellent relationships and partnerships we have built and continue to grow. Most importantly it demonstrates the significant impact this work is having within the local business community, including our own UEA Alumni who have taken forward ideas generated during their time at UEA and are now successful and influential business leaders in their own right.

“We will continue to forge ahead with this agenda and look forward to providing even greater support through the opportunities which we will develop working with the Small Business Charter and its network.”

Anne Kiem OBE, Executive Director of the Small Business Charter, and Chief Executive of the Chartered Association of Business Schools said:

“We are delighted to welcome Norwich Business School into the Small Business Charter’s network of nationally accredited business schools. This award demonstrates their excellent range of support for small businesses and student entrepreneurs, and its impact which permeates through the region’s economy. We look forward to working with the business school as they expand their offer to small businesses by becoming a delivery partner of the government’s Help to Grow: Management Course.”